How to customize Sublime Text default Auto-complete
I use Sublime text 3 every day, especially the JavaScript autocomplete feature.
For the if-statement, the default completion popup has an unnecessary semicolon at the end.
if (true) {};
Using JSHint, it gives me an error for most of the code I have written.
It is counterproductive to manually delete it every time.
Here is a solution to this problem:
Go to Preferences → Browse Packages to open the Sublime Text Folder.
Find the folder called JavaScript (if it doesn’t exist, create one).
In the folder, open if.sublime-snippet (if it doesn’t exist, create one)
Delete the semi-colon so your snippet now looks like this:
<snippet> <content><![CDATA[if (${1:true}) {${0:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}}]]></content> <tabTrigger>if</tabTrigger> <scope>source.js</scope> <description>if</description> </snippet>
Originally published at on November 25, 2014.